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I’m a recently retired (emeritus) Professor in both the Philosophy Department and the Program on Justice and Peace at Georgetown University. (I co-founded the latter in 1993) I work mostly in the areas of philosophy of language, metaphysics and epistemology, and philosophical logic, but write as well on pragmatism, feminism, meta-ethics, the foundations of mathematics, anarchist theory, and applied issues of social justice activism. 

I have also been an activist and organizer for 35+ years working on a wide range of issues. The Activism page gives some of that history.

Currently, I am writing a book on revolutionary nonviolence (with Matt Meyer), continuing the normative pragmatics project, writing on such topics as reparations, anti-fascism, gendered language, and revolutionary love. 

Now that I am retired from my university job I devote myself to organizing for revolutionary change, and public education, while leaving time for rowing, chess, cooking, music, a memoir, and playing with my potential future grand-babies.