Tim Etchells, All We Have (2019)

This is not a comprehensive list and I will continue to update this page regularly.

In the meantime, do not hesitate to reach out if you are looking for copies of my work. You may also refer to my Academia page for this purpose.

Philosophy of language, metaphysics, and epistemology

“Rejecting the Pure, but keeping the pragmatics: comments on Peter Olen’s Wilfrid Sellars and the foundations of normativity,” in Journal for the History of Analytic Philosophy (2019)

“Receptivity and entangled epistemic capacities: Comments on Carl Sachs’ Intentionality and the Myths of the Given,” in (2016)

“Language Embodied and Embedded: Walking the Talk,” in Giving a Damn: Essays in Honor of John Haugeland (2018)

“’Two Dogmas of Rationalism’: A second encounter,” in Giving a Damn: Essays in Honor of John Haugeland (2018)

“Intersubjectivity and Receptive Experience” (with Rebecca Kukla), in Southern Journal of Philosophy (2014)   

“Speaking and Thinking” (with Rebecca Kukla), in Wilfrid Sellars And His Legacy (forthcoming)

“Perception, Language, and the First Person,” (with Rebecca Kukla) in Reading Brandom: Making It Explicit (2009)

“Placing in a Space of Norms: neo-Sellarsian philosophy in the 21st century,” in The Oxford Handbook of American Philosophy (2008)

“Stereoscopic Vision: reasons, causes, and two spaces of material inference” (with Heath White), in The Philosophers’ Imprint (2007)

"Emotion and Rationality" (with Alessandra Tanesini), in New Essays in the Philosophy of Language and Mind (2004)

“Defeasibility and the Normative Grasp of Context” (with Margaret Little) in Erkenntnis (2004)

"Precis of The Grammar of Meaning: Normativity and Semantic Content" (with John O'Leary-Hawthorne), in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2002)

"Responses to Byrne, Horgan, Loewer, and Schiffer" (with John O'Leary Hawthorne), in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2002)

"The Significance of Anaphoric Theories of Truth and Reference," in Truth: Philosophical Issues 8 (2001)

“The Best Is the Enemy of the Good: Bayesian epistemology as a case study in unhelpful idealization,” in Logic, Probability, and Science (2000)

"Response to Bonevac, (Asher, and Morreau)," in Logic, Probability, and Science (2000)

"Response to Nowak," in Logic, Probability, and Science (2000)

“The Word Made Flesh: toward a neo-Sellarsian view of concepts and their analysis,” in Acta Analytica (2000)

“Reply to Pitt” (with John O’Leary-Hawthorne), in Philosophical Books (2000)

"Some Reflections on the Sport of Language," in Philosophical Perspectives, 12: Language, Mind, and Ontology (1998)

"Subjective Probability and Acceptance," in Philosophical Studies (1995)

"Two Dogmas of Post-empiricism, anti-theoretical strains in Rorty and Derrida" (with Todd May), in Philosophical Forum (1994)

"Probabilistic Dependence Among Conditionals," in The Philosophical Review (1991)

"The Grammar of Meaning," in Wittgenstein — Towards a Re-Evaluation (1990)

"Rules, Practices and Norms," in Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Symposium on the Centenial of His Birth (1990)

"From a Normative Point of View" (with John Hawthorne), in Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (1990)

"Reference Without Causation," in Philosophical Studies (1984)

Logic and the foundations of mathematics

“Finitistic Grasp of Infinite Totalities: reflections on Tate and others” (with K.J. Mourad), (work in progress)

“The Logical Structure of Linguistic Commitment III: Brandomian scorekeeping and incompatibility,” in The Journal of Philosophical Logic (2001)

"Quantification, Substitution and Conceptual Content," in Nous (1996)

"The Logical Structure of Linguistic Commitment II: Systems of Relevant Commitment Entailment" (with Philip Kremer), in The Journal of Philosophical Logic (1996)

"Two Concepts of Entailment," in The Journal of Philosophical Research (1995)

"The Logical Structure of Linguistic Commitment I: Four Systems of Non-relevant Commitment Entailment" (with Philip Kremer), in The Journal of Philosophical Logic (1994)

"On the Logic of Contingent Relevant Implication: A Conceptual Incoherence in the Intuitive Foundation of R," in Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic (1988)

Moral and Political Philosophy

“Why is Morality Governed by Defeasible Laws?” work in progress

“Principled Nonviolence Entails Anarchism,” in The Peace Chronicle: newsletter of the Peace and Justice Studies Association, (2018)

Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli: the pragmatic topography of second personal calls” (with Rebecca Kukla), in Ethics (2013)

Life is Not a Box Score: lived normativity, moral evaluation, and the is/ought distinction,” in Meaning Without Representation: essays on truth, expression, normativity, and naturalism (2016)

 “From Particularism to Defeasibility,” (with Margaret Little), in Challenging Moral Particularism.

“Where The Laws Are” (with Margaret Little), in Oxford Studies in Metaethics (2007)

“Particularism and Anti-Theory” (with Margaret Little), in The Oxford Handbook of Ethical Theory (2006)

“Defending Moral Particularism” (with Margaret Little), in Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory (2005)

"Beyond Foundationalism and Its Opposites: toward a reasoned ethics for political action" (with Todd May), in American Behavioral Scientist (1995)